Lisa as our hardworking rescue coordinator is making sure all Danes that are rehomed via GDLAWA are matched to their best possible home. She accepts surrenders, finds fosters but also works with other rescue agencies or private individuals where possible to rehome Danes throughout Perth.

I've been a member of GDLAWA for over eight years with Odie, and it's been amazing watching the club grow to include so many wonderful Danes and their owners. I still look forward to the second Sunday of each month as much as I did 8 years ago. Odie will be 9 years old in August. He has been my inspiration and right hand man in helping others build a relationship with their dog to be everything they hoped it would be. In the last ten months I've been able to make one of my dreams become a reality and actually include Odie and other dogs in my work.

Every dog teaches me something new and I love helping people with their dogs using a common sense approach. Odie and I will begin another chapter of our lives together in the next month as we join Animal Companions. We'll be visiting nursing homes and children's hospitals to bring joy to those who share the love of dogs but aren�t in a position to have one in their lives. Odie gets as much pleasure working a crowd as I do watching him so I think we're really going to love it. Recently I've taken on the position of Rescue Co-ordinator for the GDLAWA. After serving a short apprenticeship in a support role, it was time to step up to give others a break who have tirelessly run rehome & rescue.

Already it's proved to be both rewarding and challenging. The flood gates opened and in just one month we've been involved with 8 dogs requiring some level of assistance and countless owners and potential homes.