
  • Remember unlike smaller breeds Danes are puppies until 18 months of age.
  • Basic obedience is important – An untrained Dane can be more than a nuisance once fully grown.
  • Vaccinate puppies.
  • Consult your vet about worming and heart worming treatments.
  • Do feed a good quality biscuit.
  • Always have fresh water available.
  • Provide soft thick well padded bedding to support your puppies elbows and joints.
  • Remember puppies chew. Supply enough safe toys so they are not eating your furniture.


  • No forced exercise – No jogging or road work until 2 years and bones are set.
  • Do not feed standard puppy or performance food as they are high in calories and promote accelerated growth. It is important these dogs grow slow and even, so that the bone develops at the same rate as the muscle. High protein/fat/calories food does not mean a bigger dog.
  • Do not encourage jumping on your shoulders as it is damaging to the dog's legs and muscles.
  • Do not exercise for 1 –2 hours after meals.
  • Do not feed chicken mince for the first 12 months because it is too high in protein. The occasional wing or neck is acceptable.
  • Do not play tug of war games, no chasing games or wrestling on the floor games with your puppy, their bones are more delicate than you would think.
  • Don’t put your Great Dane in the backyard and forget about him/her. THEY NEED HUMAN COMPANIONSHIP.
  • Do not let young puppies climb up and down stairs as it is very hard on their shoulders and can cause serious injury.
  • Do not overfeed. Dane puppies need to be on the lean side.

NOTE: The content of this website has been compiled by the committee of the GDLAWA, with many of the Dane photos provided by Simon Duggan, and while mimicry is often deemed a compliment, we do require that anyone wanting to copy or use any of the text or images, contacts us. We are usually happy to give our permission for the information to be utilised so long as the source is referenced. Please send us an email with your request.